Sunday, January 24, 2010
sunday 1/24
Hello everyone. Or should I say Hello to the 2 people that may read this. We had a dinner at my grandmothers house today to celebrate my mom and aunts birthdays. I am so proud to be a part of the family I have. We may all have our troubles and differences. But in the end we all love each other and would help each other out if they needed it. I just have to say the Becky you are lookin good girl!!! I am so jealous. Keep it up. We are all so proud of you. If you need to unload some of your "fat clothes" that no longer fit, I will be happy to take them off of your hands. Any who................ Good night everyone. Say your prayers. Kiss your loved ones. I'm giving you a big hug and kiss.XOXOXOXOXOX GOD BLESS