Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Sorry it's been so long since my last post. Not much has happened. Just boring ole day to day life. Nothing exciting anyway. Bailey was sick last week for fall break. Now Michael is sick. I'm waiting for it to be passed on to me. You know how it is. Colton is now wrestling. He's loving it. Go figure? He's been practicing for 3 weeks now. Its good to see him so excited. Poor Bailey will be his practice partner soon. She doesn't know it yet. I remember those days. My brother used to do that to me. Take downs, holds, and etc. Easy target. I'm getting into MY busy time of the year. Halloween, Colton's birthday, Thanksgiving, more family birthdays, and Christmas. I am not ready for ANY of them! I've gotta get a costume for Bailey soon. I always wait too long and she has to pick from the bottom of the barrel. I'm such a lazy mom sometimes! Still no word from disability for Michael. All we hear is that the money is coming. When???? It's hard to be patient sometimes. It's been almost 3 yrs since Michael was disabled. I know God is taking care of us and I am thankful. I just get frustrated. Anyway.....................I wish all of you the best. God Bless!